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Vilhlem Hertz


Henrik was always an active man who loved to explore nature and participate in community activities.

But life took an unexpected turn when he was diagnosed with a rare neurological disease in his early 40s. The disease brought gradual mobility challenges, which changed his daily life and his view of the future.

As Henrik's mobility worsened, it became clear that he needed support to maintain his independence.

However, he found the aids available on the market insufficient.

They were clunky, unaesthetic, and he felt they did not represent his identity or lifestyle. Despite the obvious need, Henrik long rejected the idea of ​​using a cane, solely because neither appealed to him.

Vilhlem Hertz

The first cane

After a long period of growing challenges and a persistent search, he finally contacted us.

Henrik placed an order and received his first Vilhelm Hertz cane.

For the first time ever, he wasn't disappointed.

Vilhlem Hertz

A new everyday life

When Henrik started using his new cane, he experienced a surprising and positive change.

Previously he had been reluctant to use assistive devices, but this cane changed his perspective.

Suddenly, he began receiving compliments on the street for the cane's stylish design and craftsmanship, making him proud to carry it in public.

Henrik is not alone

Henrik's story is unfortunately all too normal.

Do you yourself know someone who is reluctant, even though they actually need to use a cane?

The Walking Stick
Vilhlem Hertz

The need for a cane & risk

Ignoring the need for a cane, even if one needs it, can lead to a number of negative consequences, including:

  • Worsening of existing conditions: Without adequate support, conditions such as arthritis, injuries or neurological disorders can worsen over time.
  • Increased risk of falls: Lack of support from a cane can increase the risk of tripping or falling, especially for the elderly or those with balance problems.
  • Additional injuries: Overloading uninjured parts of the body can lead to new injuries. For example, overloading one leg because the other is weak or painful can result in injury or deterioration of the healthy leg.
  • Reduced mobility: By avoiding the use of a cane, some people may find that their ability to move independently and safely is significantly reduced, which limits their independence and participation in social activities.
  • Increased pain and discomfort: Walking without the necessary support can cause unnecessary stress and pain in the joints, which worsens discomfort and reduces the quality of life.
  • Psychological effects: Lack of mobility and independence can lead to frustration, reduced self-confidence and depression.

We have been given permission to share this inspiring story from a customer who wishes to remain anonymous. It is therefore not his real name or Henrik in the pictures.